David Colognori and Huawei Tong


Monday, March 13, 2023, 1:00pm to 2:00pm

David Colognori (Doudna Lab). University of California, Berkeley.

Precise transcript targeting by CRISPR-Csm complexes

Nature Biotechnology 2023



Huawei Tong (Yang Lab). HuiGene Therapeutics Co. Ltd, China

High-fidelity Cas13 variants for targeted RNA degradation with minimal collateral effects

Nature Biotechnology 2022




Recording: https://harvard.zoom.us/rec/share/xJzm0BYBL3O3y1tjmTvg0Xpdi_ULgsCOn6_rL6LlgW39o27XuM-9prgKguG6NfwG.BMe5ukK-4DSh9UJN